47-Minute Electric Stretch for Beginners

47-Minute Electric Stretch for Beginners

If you want to regain your flexibility and relieve any joint pain, step one is, ask yourself: do you believe that better blood circulation, quicker muscle activation and deeper brain-body connection will help you? If you believe that, then step two is just figuring out how to get those things. This routine is how I get them. It's part of a longer class that I teach called the electric stretch which jump starts your blood circulation, muscle activation, and mindbody connection that results in regained flexibility and relief from joint pain.

So back to step one as you think through your body and whatever issues you may have - whether it's your knee is sore or your shoulder doesn't feel like it can move without pain or is it a low back tenderness… actually Take a second and ask yourself do you believe that blood flow and muscles working and mind-body connection will help. If so, then let's get started...

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47-Minute Electric Stretch for Beginners
  • 47-min Beginner Electric Stretch

    If you want to regain your flexibility and relieve joint pain, Step 1 is ask yourself: will better blood circulation, quicker muscle firing, and deeper brain-body connection help you? If you believe that, then Step 2 is finding out how to get those things.

    This routine is how I get them - a ~40 ...